Wednesday, 23 April 2014


14.21.1 Self-test Questions

1. What do you understand by the term 'Patent'?

2.  Describe the procedure for obtaining a patent.

3.  Why are patents lapsed? How are they restored?

4.  Mention the inventions which are not patentable under the Act.

5.  Who is entitled to apply to patents?

6.  What do you understand by 'specification'? Distinguish between provisional and complete specification.

7.  Describe the provisions as regards examination of application for the grant of a patent.

8.  Write an explanatory note on Exclusive Marketing Rights.

9.  Write short notes on:

(i) Patents of addition (ii) Surrender of patents (iii) Revocation of patents (iv) Register of patents (v) Reliefs for infringement (vi) Patent Agents.
10.  Why are compulsory licences granted? What is the procedure for granting such licences?

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